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We aim to be as transparent as possible with all our pricing. Our services are charged by the hour.

See below for more information about our psychology prices for:

Price promise

We are happy to discuss how we can match or better any existing provision you may be currently receiving and provide an initial discussion at no cost to education settings we have not worked with before.

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General psychology services

Travel charges are calculated on an individual basis and included in quotations when necessary.

Initial discussion

Most services require an initial discussion which costs £195.

Arrange an initial discussion

Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 90 minutes and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £195.

  • No waiting lists
  • Experienced psychologists
  • Includes recommendation summary

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Education setting services

When we provide services to education settings the price along with any terms and conditions will be agreed in a service level agreement. Prices for service level agreements start from £900 a day or £129 per hour for psychologists and £455 a day or £65 for assistant psychologists.

Travel charges are calculated on an individual basis and included in quotations when necessary (usually if we are providing services out-of-area).

Service Level Agreements will require an online initial consultation with a psychologist priced at £195 – to arrange an initial consultation please complete an enquiry form.

Free initial discussion

We provide free initial discussions to education settings as part of our cost effective service. Specific services may be discussed in order to provide an accurate for our specialist psychological input.

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Medico-legal services

Travel charges are calculated on an individual basis and included in quotations when necessary.


We work with lots of private medical insurers including:

Generally clinical psychology is covered by most private medical insurance, however, educational psychology may not be. Please check with your insurer that you are covered.

All our psychologists are registered with the HCPC, this is a requirement of most insurers.

We are happy to work with all insurers. To authorise treatment with a private medical insurer we require the; name, address, date of birth, policy and authorisation number of the policyholder.

If you have any questions please contact us.

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Make a referral

To make a referral and arrange an initial discussion please complete our referral form.

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