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Interventions are a focussed way of working with students to encourage positive change and support them in being happy, safe and ready for life’s challenges.

What types of intervention do we provide?

Interventions are chosen according to the individual and their specific needs. We provide a broad range of educational and psychological interventions to support most students. If you have a specific named intervention in mind then please let us know so we can arrange it. We can provide individual and group interventions to support a positive impact on learning. Keeping your students at the centre of our decisions allows us to choose the most appropriate intervention for their needs.

Who is suitable for an intervention?

All school age students are suitable for one of our educational or psychological interventions, although not all interventions are suitable for all students. Students do not necessarily need to have been assessed by our team to take part in one of our interventions.

School-based psychology intervention

Dr Rachael King, one of our educational psychologists, carrying out a social skills intervention

What are the benefits of an intervention?

Interventions from our experienced educational and child psychologists come with a broad range of benefits, including:

An intervention by one of our team has the added benefit of being selected and possibly adapted especially for the student or students in question to assist them in becoming happy, safe and ready for life’s challenges.

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Who can carry out interventions?

A member of our team can personally carry out the intervention, or train a member of your school. In some cases intervention training may be passed on to a parent or carer so the intervention can be continued at home, we will make this clear for each intervention.

Our specialist team of psychologists can design and carry out interventions through using their comprehensive knowledge and experience of special educational needs, interventions and psychology. In order to make our service as cost effective as possible for schools, interventions can also be delivered by our assistant educational psychologists at a reduced rate. Our assistant educational psychologists have had extensive education, training and receive supervision.

What happens during an intervention?

Interventions can be formal programmes or bespoke specifically for the student’s individual needs. In addition to teaching subject specific knowledge, an intervention supports the use of psychological strategies which can be transferred into the student’s wider life.

Group interventions may work a little differently due to group dynamics and the academic subjects being supported, learn more about our

Interventions are available to all abilities of students and bring many benefits to your students, staff and school as a whole. To find out about how our interventions can help your students please contact us now to talk to one of our team.

Contact us

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email

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Enquiry: *

What makes us different

Access to a named psychologist

Focus on mental health and wellbeing

Joined-up approach

Bespoke services to meet needs

Multidisciplinary team

Holistic approach

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