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Social, emotional and mental health assessments

Social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) assessments can be used to identify a specific need, or a range of needs depending on the individual.

What types of social, emotional and mental health assessments do we provide?

We provide a broad range of SEMH assessments, which can be used as isolated assessments or in conjunction with other assessments to take a comprehensive approach. SEMH assessments we provide include:

Who is suitable for a social, emotional and mental health assessment?

We recommend using our SEMH assessments for individuals aged 2-25 years old where there are concerns regarding their social, emotional or mental health. Some common reasons a child or young person would benefit from a social, emotional and mental health assessment include individuals who:

SEMH assessments are a good way to understand the child or young person’s educational and emotional needs. An assessment could lead to further assessment, interventions or recommendations in order to support the child or young person with their mental health, wellbeing and behaviour.

Who can carry out a social, emotional and mental health assessment?

There are a wide range of SEMH assessments available. Educational and child psychologists, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists and mental health professionals are external professionals who carry out social, emotional and mental health assessments.

Each profession has a different focus, psychologists usually use the information from a SEMH assessment with the aim of using the results to maximise learning and wellbeing.

Which social, emotional and mental health assessments do you use?

SEMH assessments are chosen depending on the individual as there are many different aspects of SEMH which we can assess. Our specialist team of psychologists are able to use a variety of SEMH assessments, including:

  • Boxall profile - Assesses social, emotional and mental health
  • Glasgow anxiety scale - Measures anxiety in individuals with intellectual disabilities
  • SDQ - Strengths and difficulties questionnaire
  • BECK youth inventories - Assess depression, anxiety, anger, disruptive behaviour and self-concept
  • Resiliency scales - Profiles personal strengths and vulnerabilities
  • SIP-C - Self-image profiles for children
  • SIP-A - Self-image profiles for adults

During our initial discussion we will discuss your needs and choose the appropriate social, emotional and mental health assessments. Assessing social, emotional and mental health can be complex and involve a variety of assessments in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

What are the benefits of a social, emotional and mental health assessment?

There are many benefits of SEMH assessments, such as:

SEMH assessments carried out by our team of specialist psychologists keep the child or young person’s needs and best interests at heart. Having an understanding of SEMH needs is critical in moving forward, especially when the child or young person displays challenging behaviour.

Initial discussion

To get started arrange an initial discussion with one of our psychologists.

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What happens after a social, emotional and mental health assessment?

Following SEMH assessments we will review the findings and discuss possible future steps with you. We would be happy to discuss findings with any professional currently working with the child or young person to facilitate a joined up approach. There is an option to purchase a report outlining the results, recommendations and interpretation. An intervention could be suggested as a next step, and in this case we can work together to achieve the best outcome for the child or young person.

SEMH assessments can identify hidden needs. Our assessments are carried out by clinical, educational and child psychologists who interpret the assessment results and begin to consider recommendations for the child or young person’s future provision.

Arrange an initial discussion

Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 2 hours and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £195.

  • No waiting lists
  • Experienced psychologists
  • Includes recommendation summary

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Contact us

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email

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