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Children and young people

At the centre of everything we do, is the child or young person. We provide early access to assessments and interventions for children and young people for a range of needs that affect them at home, school and in the community.

We work with people aged


Commonly children and young people are referred to us by: parents/carers and education settings.

I am aged 16-25, can I refer myself directly to you?

Yes you can. We would have an initial discussion before any assessments or interventions take place, you can bring someone you trust and feel comfortable with to this session. Our services are independent and, therefore, do involve payment for any initial discussion, assessment and intervention. Find out more about our prices.

Make a self-referral to our services.

I am under 16, can I refer myself directly to you?

We are unable to accept referrals directly from children and young people under the age of 16. If you are thinking about using our services and are aged under 16 then please talk to your parent, carer or significant other about our services. Schools and other education settings may also ask for our help, you could talk to a teacher you trust about your concerns.

Will the psychologist be able to help me?

Following the initial discussion, we will be able to let you know how we can help. Everyone is unique and may require different support from us. We usually help through identifying and addressing needs. This will mean we will ask you questions and get your view. We might also ask you to complete some tasks, provide you with helpful strategies, or working through your challenges.

If we can’t help, then we would refer you on to a service that can help.

What can our psychologists help with?

Our psychologists can help you with many areas, including:

HSR Psychology does not provide children and young people with services where there is an immediate risk of significant harm. If you are a child or young person who needs to speak to someone immediately because you or someone you know is at risk of significant harm, please contact:

I’ve been referred, what can I expect?

We might talk with you, watch your class, or ask you to complete some tasks. We might also talk to adults who know you at home and school. When we have an idea of your strengths and difficulties we make recommendations to support them. Usually, we meet at your education setting, home, or our clinic.

I’ve been referred, but I don’t want to come, do I have to?

We will only work with you with your agreement. If you don’t want us to work with you then we won’t. If we don’t work with you then we can’t support you.

Will you be able to help me with medication?

We cannot prescribe medication, or make recommendations around medication. We can provide interventions which go alongside medication.

Can you provide me with a diagnosis?

Our psychologists may be able to provide you with a diagnosis. We identify needs which could lead to a diagnosis. When working with children we want to support them in reaching their potential.

Make a referral

To make a referral and arrange an initial discussion please complete our referral form.

Make a referral

Do I need an adult with me for the sessions in clinic?

If you are under 16 then you will need an adult with you the first time you meet us in clinic, this might not be necessary for follow-up appointments. If you are under 16 then we recommend that an adult comes to clinic with you, we will provide time for you to talk to us alone and confidentially. We respect your confidentiality unless you are at risk of significant harm to yourself or others. If you are 16, or over, then you can come alone.

Will what I talk about in the session be shared with my parent, carer or education setting?

The majority of our therapeutic work is confidential. The only time that we may break confidentiality is if you are at serious risk of causing significant harm to yourself or others or when we are compelled to do so by law. If at any point during our sessions we felt that you were in need of emergency support, we may ask for your consent to contact your GP. When appropriate we will remind you what confidentiality means, and what we can and can’t keep confidential. If you would like us to share something with a parent, carer or education setting then just let us know and we can let them know something on your behalf.

Where will the sessions take place?

Sessions with us usually take place in one of our clinics, your home, or in an education setting. Providing our services at home, in clinic and in the community helps us to meet more people’s needs.

Can I contact the psychologist in between sessions if I need to?

In order to protect the therapeutic relationship, psychologists and assistants will only be able to accept contact outside of the session for practical reasons. We will not enter into email or telephone support without prior agreement. If you would like any additional support or services beyond what has been agreed in the initial quote then we are happy to revise and review. This can be arranged via the office. If there is information which you would like to share with us in between sessions then please put this in an email to the psychologist so that it can be discussed in your next session.

Can I end sessions?

You can end session with us whenever you want. If you decide not to continue with our sessions, we would appreciate if you give us 48 hours’ notice prior to any appointment. We feel it is best to agree together an end date.

Arrange an initial discussion

Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 2 hours and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £195.

  • No waiting lists
  • Experienced psychologists
  • Includes recommendation summary

Find out more



Contact us

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email

Name: *
Phone number: *
Email address: *
Enquiry: *

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