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Parents and carers

We work with parents and carers by providing educational and child psychological input. We are here to support you, your child and your family.

When would you need our support?

We are here for you when you need us by providing immediate access to our dedicated team of psychologists. Our efficient and swift service is responsive to your child’s needs as well as your own. Our aim is to help your child to reach their true potential and support both you and your child. Our psychologists are experts in child development and can check your child is developing as they should be, or if extra support is needed to facilitate child development or educational outcomes. We work towards achieving the best possible educational and personal outcomes to prepare your child effectively for adulthood from an early age.

The following thoughts should help you to decide if you require our support:


If you have similar thoughts then we can help you.

What do we do?

We work with your child when they are:

We are there for you:

Read about the services and specific assessments we offer. If you are unsure of what you need then we are available for consultations to discuss your needs.

An intervention

A boy enjoying his intervention with HSR Psychology

What don’t we do?

We provide a swift and effective educational and child psychology service, we are not a tutoring service and we are not an alternative for when a child or young person requires emergency intervention. If you feel as though your child is at immediate risk of danger of serious harm to themselves or others then please contact: A&E, child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS), the police or a 24 hour support service.

How do we work?

We work by keeping your child at the centre of what we do and we improve the wellbeing of both you and your child. Our team are available to provide you with specific and relevant support and advice. By working together and listening carefully and respectfully to your views and experiences we can make sure we work together to support positive change for you and your child. Your views are important and you will be included in discussions about changes we could make which will benefit you and your child now and in the future, making our service extremely cost-effective.

If you feel as though your child’s needs are not being met in their education setting then we can help you to effectively communicate your concerns. We want your child to achieve their true potential and have their needs met both at home and in their education setting. We value your child’s unique strengths, needs and situation and we combine our knowledge to take a holistic approach and help your child to fulfil their true potential.

Arrange an initial discussion

Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 2 hours and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £195.

  • No waiting lists
  • Experienced psychologists
  • Includes recommendation summary

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How can you pay for our service?

There are a number of ways to fund our specialist psychology services. We have designed our services to be as cost effective as possible whilst maintaining high quality and high standards.

Where possible we have included prices, and there are no hidden costs to our services.

Self fund

Self-funding is a simple way to pay for our services as you already know your budget and you will be able to choose the most appropriate psychology services for your needs. Our prices are transparent so there are no unexpected charges following on from our input. If we think that further assessments or interventions would benefit your child then we would let you know before we take further action. If you require a report of our recommendations for future use, or to inform the school of our findings then we can provide that.

By self-funding you are in the unique position of being able to choose the appropriate support for you child’s needs and be involved in the process. Our psychologists can work in education settings, the home and community settings, providing you with a flexible service. By working in education settings we would be able to assess in an environment where the child is ready to work, or observe them in the setting where the difficulties are most pronounced. Working within an education setting also allows our psychologists to talk to your child’s teachers and other adults working with them, providing us with a holistic understanding of needs. Working in all three settings and our flexibility are just two of the many benefits of working with us.

Private medical insurance

Unfortunately private medical insurance rarely covers services provided by a child and educational psychologist. This is because educational services are not classed as medical.

Private medical insurances do provide cover certain services provided by a clinical psychologist for things related to medical health. If you would like to use one of our services through your private medical insurance then you can contact them to confirm if that specific service will be covered. We have created a cost effective service in order to provide value for money, if the service you require is not covered by your insurance and you would like to know how much it costs then please contact us to find out about pricing. When a standard price is available we have included it, if a price is not available it would be due to specific circumstances which we would have to discuss in order to provide an accurate quote.

Personal Budgets

If your child has an education, health and care plan then you can suggest that the allocated funding for your child’s provision is paid to you, or an organisation who acts on your behalf, rather than being maintained by the local authority. Personal budgets vary between local authorities, information relating to each authority can be found on their local offer. The personal budget will contain sufficient funding to pay for therapy, professionals and specialist support as listed in the education, health and care plan. If you are considering using a personal budget to pay for our services to take place within an education setting then you must receive written consent from the head teacher or principal. Regular educational psychologist time is usually listed on education, health and care plans, and personal budgets can be used to fund an educational psychologist of your choosing. We will dedicate a named psychologist to support consistency for your child.

Charitable donations

Our services can be funded through payments from a number of charities and charitable trusts. If you would like to find out more about how charities can fund our services then please contact us to talk to a member of our team.

Adoption support fund

The adoption support fund is available to pay for specific services which are not available from your local authority, which means that there may be some variation between local authorities. Our specialist psychologists can provide:

  • Training for adoptive parents
  • Cognitive assessments
  • Multi-disciplinary support packages
  • Solution focussed brief therapy
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy for your child
  • Sensory integration therapy
  • Therapeutic life story work

Uses of the adoption support fund are specific to your family’s circumstances and if you are unsure whether we can help you then please contact us to discuss your needs.

We like to be transparent with our costs so we have tried to include the price throughout our site, and we have zero hidden or unexpected costs. If further input would be required then we will inform you before carrying out any work, so you only pay for the services which you have specifically requested. We will always let you know in advance if there are any extra costs and they will be explained. To arrange a quote or to discuss your needs please contact us now to talk to a member of our team.

Can we work with existing professionals?

Our specialist team can work with other professionals currently involved with your child. Working with existing professionals ensures that we receive up to date information and avoid unnecessary repetition. A joined-up service would allow a comprehensive approach to meeting your child’s needs. Working as part of a multi-disciplinary team is especially useful in circumstances when a child or young person has varying needs in multiple specialist areas. If your child already has regular provision and requires one-off input from a psychologist then we are able to provide this input.

What do assistant psychologists do?

As part of our specialist team we have assistant educational and clinical psychologists who have extensive experience and knowledge of psychology and special educational needs and disabilities. Our assistants are passionate about what they do and receive regular supervision so they are always learning and developing as professionals. Ongoing work is a great use for our assistant psychologists as they will be able to provide consistent, high quality input over a set period of time. Our assistant psychologists all have a Master’s Degree level qualification in psychology in addition to many years experience within education and clinical settings. Assistant psychologists can deliver training, consultation and some specific assessments at a lower cost. We have assistant psychologists to not only offer a cost effective service, but also to support aspiring educational and clinical psychologists.

How do you make a referral to our psychology service?

Our referral process is quick and simple and can be done over the phone or online. Each individual has unique needs and requirements which is why we accept all referrals so we can support more families. Read more about how to make an online referral to our services.

Our psychologists work with you and discuss your needs and offer support which is right for you and your child. Choosing our independent psychologists will save you time and allow you to start putting strategies in place. We want to help you and your child to be happy, safe and ready for life’s challenges, contact us to see how best we can help.

Arrange an initial discussion

Arrange an initial discussion to find out how we can benefit your education setting. The initial discussion lasts 2 hours and is a starting point to identify needs. The cost is £195.

  • No waiting lists
  • Experienced psychologists
  • Includes recommendation summary

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Contact us

Ready to get started? The next step is to speak to our team to find out more about the services we provide and how we can help. Call us on 0161 820 9229 or email

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